Foam Rollers & Massage Tool Recommendations (Updated)
There are many different types of foam rollers and massage tools out on the market today. We have narrowed it down to the one's that work the best and will hold up well over time.
Exercise Highlight 6: Foam Rolling your Quadriceps
The quadriceps are made up of 4 primary muscles that commonly have a lot of tightness and adhesions within them, especially in the large population of people who sit much of the day.
How to Foam Roll (Videos)
Foam Rolling can be done before a workout, during a workout, after a workout or throughout the day. There are a few key things to remember when foam rolling at these specific times. This article includes video tutorials for each area of the body.
Exercise Highlight 4: Kneeling to Tall Kneeling "Increase your Knee, Foot & Ankle Mobility"
These are great exercises to include in your training, whether an athlete or someone looking for general health in the hips, knees and foot & ankle.
Foam Rolling & Self Myofascial Release, What is it and Who is it For?
Foam Rolling or Self Myofascial Release (SMR) is a form of self-induced massage therapy of your muscles and fascia. Mike Clark and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (N.A.S.M) were the one’s to bring serious attention to how Foam Rolling can help correct imbalances, decrease over active tissues and...