Jules Moore "Higher Ground" The 2013 TransRockies Race Report
After taking a short three day trip to Boulder, Colorado in January 2011, I made it a point to come back and run a race. My good friend and teammate Chris Foccaci ran TransRockies years back and described it as one of the best organized and unique races he has ran. I thought this would be a great opportunity to experience the backcountry of Colorado.
Jody LaPar's 2012 TransRockies Run Race Report
TheTransRockies Run by MPF Campmor Athlete, Jody LaPar. I had been thinking about the Trans Rockies Race for close to a year prior to the event. As race day approached, I had been working with teammate Elizabeth Azze to focus on race specific training such as lots of climbing and faster descending to get ready for the big mountains.