Developing Strength & Stability in the Foot, Ankle, and Lower Leg
In Silas's previous article he discussed some common running-related injuries of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Keeping the mechanisms and dysfunctional movement patterns that cause injury to these areas in mind, he now shares ways to effectively strengthening the foot, ankle, and lower leg muscles.
Calf Muscle Tightness, Achilles Tendon Length and Lower Leg Injury
The repetitive motion of running has a way of exposing every weakness and imbalance over time. Those impairments can quickly turn into an injury if not addressed. Some of the most common areas of injury in runners are the ankle & Achilles tendon.
The 2015 Cats Tail Marathon by Silas Carey "Only a Marathon..."
When my wife asked me what time I would be finishing the Cats Tail Trail Marathon, without even thinking I replied “Well it’s only a marathon, so it shouldn’t take too long.” She laughed...
"Ending On a High Note" The 2015 Water Gap 50k by Silas Carey
Silas has had several top finishes this year but was yet to gain the win he was looking for. This would be his last attempt of the year before he headed into his off-season after a very busy year. Check out his race report to see how his day went.
The 2015 Virgil Crest 50 "The 30 Mile Warm-up" by Silas Carey
With a strong support crew, Silas went from having thoughts of dropping, to running one of his best races to date!
The 2015 Whiteface SkyMarathon “The Great Adirondack Slip n’ Slide” by Silas Carey
The weekend of June 27th marked the inaugural Whiteface Skyrunning weekend, and I was eager to test myself in a new discipline of racing.
The 2015 Cayuga Trails 50 “The second-lap blues” by Silas Carey
"I told myself for weeks before the race that I would save something for the second lap. It didn’t work…"
“Always the Bridesmaid” Silas Carey’s Race Report from The North Face Bear Mountain 50k
I came into the 2015 The North Face Endurance Challenge 50k at Bear Mountain State Park unsure of my fitness; I hadn’t raced since September of last year, I hadn’t done the volume or long runs in training that I would have liked… But I was also very excited! It was time to race again, and it was my first race representing the MPF/RNR team!
MPF RNR Team in Action! The North Face at Bear, Rock The Ridge 50, an FKT, a Jog and some Pizza...
It was a another big weekend of racing for the team with The North Face Endurance Challenge visiting the great trails of Bear Mountain & Harriman State Park of NY, as well as the Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge.
Breakneck Ridge Team Adventure “Survival”
Earlier in the winter, or should I say the extended fall, I was thinking that this run on the Breakneck Point race course might be relatively snow free, or at least have somewhat fast conditions. How things change! I can easily say that that was my slowest, uh, attempt at forward motion, ever!