Rich Heffron placed 2nd (11:04:16) & Scotie Jacobs placed 4th (12:19:11), Laura Rekkerth was 9th female at the Twisted Branch 100k Trail Run! Something was happening in Leadville Colorado. Joe's encounter with a trail superhero. Natalie Thompson wins RNR’s Lucifer’s Crossing 6.6 miler in 54:30! And much more, check it out!
Spring Review: Naked Bavarian, Injury & The Cayuga Trails Marathon by Rich Heffron
“As spring arrived, my preparations for the Cayuga Trails Marathon were going swimmingly. I had taken advantage of a mild Ithaca winter to get in a steady diet of 70–90 mile weeks coupled with regular workouts and even a few runs on the trails at Treman and Buttermilk but then I was stopped in my tracks…”