Laura Swift's 2012 Finger Lakes 50 Race Report
Back in February, MPF Campmor Teammate, Zsuzsanna Carlson. sent me a text message about a 50 mile race in the Finger Lakes that was filling up fast. It seemed like a great opportunity to see part of New York State that I had never seen and go camping with friends. On a whim, I registered.
Laura Swift's 2012 The North Face 50 Mile Race Report
With the encouragement of my Mountain Peak Fitness Campmor Teammates, I registered for The North Face 50 Mile endurance run. It was our “home” course after all! With guidance from teammates I was able to run on the course a few times before the race, but I had really only seen the first 12-15 miles. If I had only known what was in store – R O C K S!
Laura Swift's 2012 Febapple 50k Trail Race Report
I had the pleasure of running with my teammate, Zsuzsanna Carlson at Harriman State Park during the summer last year. At the time, I was training for my first 50 mile race. During our 3 hour run, I pestered her with questions about fueling, hydrating, how my legs would feel, how to train, what to expect, etc.