Riding Old Roads in Putnam County New York
Here is some footage from our ride on 11.21.17 in the New York Putnam County area. We try to visit this area several times each year during the off season. There are many old dirt & woods roads to explore, just be sure to avoid and be respectful of private property when adventuring in the area.
Many of the roads and trails in the area were originally establish by the Native Americans way before some of them became formal roads in the mid 17th century (1601 - 1700).
I used the latest GoPro Hero 6 with chest mount to record the ride and edited with Final Cut Pro. I recorded in 2k at 60 FPS with video stabilization on (no gimbal) and everything else in auto with max ISO set to 1600. Editing in FCP was quick, with no adjustments made to the sound, video or stabilization.
I was riding my trusty Marin Nail Trail 27.5 and Evan was testing out his Pivot Vault.